Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dear Google. I love thee....but right now, I hate thee.

So things have been going extremely well with introducing Google Glass to research in the Arctic. Amazon Web Services have also taken hold with researchers here too. Unfortunately for me, Google Glass has decided to make a most unfortunately feature removal during the most critical time. They have removed the video call feature from Glass, citing that explorers in the beta program said the feature wasn't good enough and it wasn't being used by enough people. Well, obviously the squeaky wheel got the grease because I am now dead in the water with the educational component of my grant. True, Google says the video call feature will come back, but now is the time we would be having our PolarTREC instructors going out into the field to teach remote classroom activities. Granted, I will be working on other applications for Glass for the project, but this turn of events is extremely unfortunate and really quite a turn off. I'm hoping I'll be able to get a previous version of glass software loaded onto my Glass units, or get a future version where video calling is again a feature or I'll be holding off a bit from purchasing a few more for the station's use.

Bummer Google.

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