Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 3 - co2 Sensor Repair documented by Google Glass

The biggest event for today was tagging along to do maintenance on several data collection instruments about 20 miles from the station. I used Google Glass to document much of our outing. Here we are landing at the first location:

The audio didn't turn out so well here, but researcher Adrian Rocha explains the different sensors to me. The ones on the far right are a CO2 and temperature sensor. The instruments on the left side of the tree are radiation sensors. The box is where all of the sensor data comes together and is recorded. You can also get a good idea of what soggy tundra looks like as I walk over to him. The packet that Arian puts on top of the box at the end of the video is a dri-pak, which is used to keep the inside of the wiring box dry.

We found that the first sensor issue was that a bird had pooped in it, making the software tell Adrian the sensor was obstructed. That site also had dead batteries (the size of a car battery) In the second location, we found a bear had ripped some of the wiring out of the box. Adrian also made a few positioning adjustments to some of the sensors and then downloaded data from the hard drive located under the solar panels.


  1. What about the mosquitoes? Any mosquitoes?

  2. Ah! Shhhhhhh! The mosquitoes aren't really here yet.....but they are coming, I saw a few monster ones and a few normal size ones today....
