Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 7 - Prep work for PolarTREC

PolarTREC is a teaching and learning component of the Arctic programs.

We will be experimenting with Google Glass in PolarTREC, specifically for virtual field trips into the tundra with polar researchers. Since the wireless signal at Toolik only goes out about a quarter to third of a mile from camp, we're limited to field trip experiences in the area around the station. This is not such a big deal though, since there's quite a bit to see just within a few feet of the buildings. I'll be doing some additional testing for this initiative today.

On a totally different note....the mosquitoes are coming. Unfortunately I think for good this time. The little cold spell (with snow) killed them off a few days ago but I'm starting to see both the monster-size ones and the little ones. The monster ones are pretty freaky actually. Here's a sample of their size:

Mosquitoes are actually the worst in the Arctic than anywhere else in the world, (yes, even jungles). It's all of the standing water that sits on top of permafrost. The permafrost prevents the water from absorbing into the ground, and all of the wet vegetation in the standing water is mosquito larvae heaven. So the golden hour of awesome weather without mosquitoes is ending with no relief in sight until August.

1 comment:

  1. I think for good this time. The little cool spell (with snow) killed them off a couple of days back however I'm beginning to see both the beast estimate ones and the little ones
